On Wednesday 3rd July, Coram’s Fields will close earlier at 6:30pm for an annual supporter event taking place in the park. The football pitches will remain open and will be accessible from the rear of the pitches.
On Sunday 7 July, the park will be closed early at 5pm in preparation for a family concert, ‘Mr Handel’s Vauxhall Pleasures’ at 6pm in partnership with the Foundling Museum. Tickets are available from the following website: https://foundlingmuseum.org.uk/events/vauxhall-pleasures/. Tickets are £10: free entry for under-16s.
Please note, if the weather forecast is unfavourable for the outside venue, the location will be changed to the Picture Gallery in the Museum. Ticket holders will be alerted prior to the event if that is the case and the park will remain open until 8pm as normal.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.