Lawn & Order

This Spring, we are thrilled to announce that we will carrying out essential maintenance to both our lawns,  with our new look lawns re-opening to the public just in time for the Summer! Over the coming months, we will be investing over £30,000 in a programme of maintenance, that will bring these much-valued green spaces back up to the high standard our children, young people and their families deserve.

This work will completely transform the outdoor space at Coram’s Fields, but will inevitably require the lawns to be out of use for a period. Please read on for more information.

The Shaded Lawn
Our shaded lawn, the west lawn, is typically closed off at this time of year to allow the grass to regrow following the winter marquee in December. We will be investing approximately £8,000 to deliver a programme of de-compaction and re-seeding and this will take place over the course of three visits during the year, with the first tranche of work commencing on Wednesday 3rd April. There will consequently be no access to this lawn until the May half term to allow the seed to germinate and grow.

The Sunny Lawn

Photo showing the present condition of the east lawn

We are thrilled to have secured a grant of £22,577 from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s Pocket Parks Plus programme, which will allow us to complete the full re-turfing of the lawn. The work on this lawn will begin after the Easter holidays on Tuesday 23rd April and will take several weeks to bed down. As a result the lawn will not reopen to the public until the start of the May half term.

This means that between the end of the Easter holidays and the May half term, our park users will not be able to go onto either of our lawns.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding during this period. We know you will love the end result and that you will enjoy using them when they re-open!

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